Roast slowly a good pork roast and if you wish, a beef roast along with the Pork Roast. When done drain juices in pan, let coo. When cooled doen sufficiently scrape off all the fat from top and discard fat. Cut the meat into 3/4 inch pieces along with finely diced onions. Heat the broth juices in a pan and with about 2 cups of juice add 3 cups of vinegar,1.5 tablespoon of sugar, 1.5 tablespoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of beef bouilion, and 1 teaspoon of roast pork seasoning. In another pan put 1 cup of water and mix in 5 packs of unflavored gelatin stir till mixed well and no lumps and add to the heated broth. Stir well, till all is dissolved, then pour over the meat and add black pepper on top . refrigerate till firm.. cut in slices and serve as is or with assorted crackers.